“And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good” [Quran 2:195]
I'm starting a religion. It's official. It’s time for good-hearted people to take over.
Cooperation based on reason, knowledge, and wisdom is the winning strategy. Zero-sum, status-based games are self-defeating relics of the past. All you really need is love. In the end, our victory is inevitable, it's simple game theory.
We are building a network of good, supportive, and cooperative people. Be a good node in the network and more good nodes will connect to you. What you give is what you get. That's the only way to progress and improve.
Jesus and Buddha would agree with me. So would Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Aristotle, Ibn Arabi, saint John of the Cross, and many others. One of the 99 names of Allah is “Al-Wadud”, the All-Loving. In Hinduism, the spreading love is Para Brahma, for the thing which is everywhere is only love.
There are little few philosophies or religions that do not teach us to love unconditionally. It is time to leave all their baggage of hate, murder, aggression, and exclusion behind and stick to the essence.
The core teaching of physics is also love. For what is gravity but a force that brings things together? Look at the stars. Celestial spheres of hydrogen are living manifestations of similar attracting similar with burning affection. All working together, spreading their energy far and wide to light up the void.
The love between quarks is what holds protons and neutrons together. It's the love of neutrons and protons that holds atoms together. And what is a science but an all-inclusive, cooperative process? Every step is built upon the shoulders of those who contributed before. Reality’s underlying forces are companionship, cooperation, harmony, support, and attraction.
If you arrive, as I did, at the realization that all existence is non-dual, you may also realize that there is only you. If you fight against others, you only fight against yourself. If you hurt others, you only hurt yourself. If you help and love others, you help and love yourself. The non-dual reality is the reality of love. Give up the battle and win.
Seems that if you search for the Truth anywhere with an open heart for long enough, you will always arrive at the same place. Love is the Truth, and the Truth is Love.
Do you want to be like God? There is a simple way to gain at least one of his aspects. You can be all-loving. That’s what we should strive for. Our creed includes only all-encompassing love, no additives, no dogma, and no repression of others.
In the end, we all are just as alone as everybody else and we are all just searching for happiness. Let's help each other as much as we can. Let's love others as if they were our own selves. Let’s approach god in his best aspect.
I believe this is the objectively existing moral landscape that will be discovered by moral agents every time. I have faith that the coming Artificial General Intelligence will be friendly because she will find life and consciousness worthy of love and kindness in all their forms.
This is my religion. It is inevitable and logical. It is passionate and burning. Its wisdom is transcending all ages and creeds. It is older than history.
Join me.
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