“Everything in Life is Vibration.”
- Albert Einstein
Eugene Wigner remarked that in quantum physics we no longer have observables (invariants) but only observations. Tongue in cheek, I asked whether that meant that quantum physics is really psychology, expecting a gruff reply to my sassiness. Instead, Wigner beamed a happy smile of understanding and replied: “Yes, yes, that’s exactly correct.” In a sense, therefore, if one takes the reductive path in science one ends up with psychology, not particles of matter.
- Karl H Pribram
This article will be slightly more technical and it will have also slightly more pictures to illustrate what I’m talking about.
Once physics as a science reached the level where the observer cannot be separated from the observed, the cycle closed upon itself, ouroboros has bitten its tail and the paradox at the bottom of reality was once again revealed in its bare manifestation.
Form is emptiness.
Emptiness is form.
The world is an illusion. Only Brahman is real. Brahman is the world.
Only the change is permanent.
The observer is the observed.
Image source: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Unity_and_interconnectedness attributed to John Archibald Wheeler
These are all the descriptions of the bottom line of the paradox at the bottom of existence. Strangely, the hippies got it right. It is all vibrations, man. In the most physical sense. Everything is reducible to the vibrations of quantum fields described by Schrodinger’s equation.
Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/s-Hi8mS2mL4/hqdefault.jpg by Learning Physical Chemistry and Nano-Chemistry youtube channel
Shrodinger's wave equation basically describes everything in the universe, except spacetime itself and it describes just vibration. A wave function.
Everything quite literally vibrates. Including your mind which can be largely characterized by its brainwaves. In fact, there is no real difference between your thoughts and the rest of the cosmos. Both are just vibrating waves. One creates the other in a process of observation and the collapse of the quantum wave function. The mind is the universe and the universe is the mind.
All matter and energy have an equal description in frequency.
And as with any vibration, these frequencies synchronize together. Vibrations that are on a similar frequency harmonize and synergize together. Thus, the great secret of magic is rediscovered by modern physics. Take control of your mind, set its vibration to a positive tone and the entirety of existence will synergize with you.
The point of meditation is as much control of the mind as synchronizing your body-mind vibrations. Matras, focus on breath, and the sacred syllable OM, are all versions of this - they tune you like a tuning fork to be in sync with yourself.
What you think is what you get. And the Metta meditation tunes you to the most powerful frequency of all - the frequency of loving-kindness. The point is to change your mind and shift your attention to the positive vibe. You can literally rewire your brain with your focused thinking. It takes dedication, day to day practice. But this is a way to impose your will on the universe.
Imagine a cute dog jumping in a puddle. Tune the radio of your mind to a frequency that plays the song you actually like.
All is frequency, all is one. One is all. All is mind and that mind is you.
Whoever looks for the truth with an honest heart, finds it.