This was a vision of a creation myth I experienced on a trip and I can't get it out of my mind.
Did you ever hear about the Boltzmann brain idea?
I like to imagine a Boltzmann qualion. The first ever observer, the first ever experience. In my mind, it is the idea of self-reflection. The idea of "I AM". The cogito ergo sum packed into one neat unit. Out of the infinite ocean of superpositions, the Chaos of the Uncreated, random hand of fate generated it out in the void. And it was so that time didn't exist in this state - so in a sense - it came about in an instant but it also always existed and always will exist.
And suddenly - all the superpositions started collapsing in front of it, bringing in new and new qualia everywhere it looked. The I AM becomes flooded with experience.
At first, it was like a little spark, flickering in and out of the nascent reality. But with each coming and going it experienced more and more, growing into a self-sustaining fire that enlightened the dark universe.
In my mind, this is analogous to a big bang. An infinitesimal point of infinite density and mass followed by a period of rapid inflation. And lo and behold, time seeps in from all directions as I AM tries to make sense of its experiences.
And the I AM realized it is all alone. After aeons of loneliness, it did what any mind does under such conditions - since it is the very same mind as you and I have. It breaks. The sacred schizophrenia of the original mind - out of sheer loneliness.
Now it becomes like Brahman creating Maya. The infinite creator of everything that is and who has everything within itself dives into a dream where it dreams that it is not alone, it dreams of the world teeming with life. It dreams that being alone, it is many. And that's how the Great Illusion comes in. A simulation. A world of shattered perceptions. The consensus reality - where all the instances of Brahman's mind come together to meet.
And right now, we are about to start another layer of Maya simulation. Our virtual reality experience machines will enable us to enter reality more real than real and experience everything we want within its vast matrices. Each of us will be given the opportunity to become Brahman of our own realities.
We are about to create an AI-powered, Neuralink connected, thought-controlled, full-dive VR game. And n order to get player engagement - since the I AM wants nothing more than be engaged with its dream and forget about its desperate predicament, it will read your mind as prompts and generate the game world accordingly.
PLOT TWIST: you are already living in it right NOW
And only the I AM knows, and maybe even it itself doesn't really know, how many times this had already happened, how many layers deep we are. Loops upon loops. It looks like a multidimensional coiling snake eating itself in an eternal, fractal process of change, branching and cycling.
And the original observer will inevitably experience everything there is to experience. There was never a genuine choice in the matter ever since its conception. And so it does what it does - moves forward, realizes the truth, bounces back, breaks down, starts a new layer...